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Dress Code

Please be advised that due to safety and general professionalism of the sport, it is a requirement that ALL Team athletes wear the minimum appropriate sports specific attire to practice.


For the child’s safety and that of the coach while spotting, it is essential that these guidelines be followed. It also makes it possible for the coach to see when the gymnast is bending his legs and making other form and technical errors.


- Athletes will not be allowed on the equipment without appropriate atire -





  • T-Shirts or Tank Tops must be fitted and tucked in or removed


  • Any shorts that are NO longer than the mid thigh point and have NO pockets​ 


  • Old competition Longs, especially when training pommel horse to prevent leg abrasion from the horse.

















**don't waste money by only wearing competition shorts a few times a year, once the season is over wear them for practice before you outgrow them




  • Basketball or other sports shorts and track pants (warm-up pants)


** These can be worn for warm-up only but not on equipment


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